Digital Voting: An era of digital guide in 2024

 Digital Voting

This is a manner in which elections act as the primary vitamin in democracy, for they allow people to pick their leaders and be part of the decision-making process. Manual voting, using paper ballots filled out by hand accompanied by a counting process, has been the traditional process of voting in societies for a long time. Hence, whereas the application of technology presents an opportunity for the adoption of digital voting, there is also a growing interest among the voters in that particular direction. According to those in favor, digital voting could contribute to an improvement of the electoral process by making it more precise, accessible, safe, and effective.

Digital Voting
Digital Voting

  What is digital voting?

Electronic voting means voters can check their registered names and click on their preferred candidate virtually on their electronic devices, rather than using the handwritten paper method. There are different forms this can take: There are different forms this can take:

  Digital voting machines:

At the polling station, voters select a touchscreen, buttons, or other interface of their preference to put their choice of candidate down digitally. The data is digital, i.e., stored by using a computer.

 The optical scan voting:

The voter fills in the bubble next to the candidate of his or her choice, then the whole ballot is scanned and the tabulation of votes is made digital.

In all instances, digital technology will be used to register, transmit, store, or possibly count the vote instead of the process that runs on paper and hands. The amount of digitization depends on the given information system.

 Digital Voting’s Pros


There are several touted advantages to incorporating technology into the voting process:

  Expanding accessibility:

Digital voting not only offers more ways to participate in the elections but also creates new avenues for democratic engagement. Internet-based voting allows participation, which can be done from any place, while electronic voting machines make it easier to vote for some people with certain disabilities because they communicate with adapted interfaces. Through this, participants can therefore vote from their homes even when they are not able to register physically at polling stations.


Unlike the usual on-ground polling system, digital systems cut down on the minutes taken to finish the voting and counting. The internet and electronic voting mail distort the time for the hand counting of paper ballots. Voters will be able to save time since they will not need to wait in long lines at the polling place since remote online voting will be possible. The affordability of online voting and its ease of use could become the reasons for the rise in people engaging in the electoral process.

 Enhanced accuracy:

It is believed that electronic counting is more accurate because the method does not require people to tally, and the chances of error occur less than in manual tallying. With the help of specific voter IDs, a person can’t cast a vote in various places within an election-day cycle. Digital registers also allow convenient audits and recounts because there are no paper trails. Hence, it builds confidence in the efficiency of the data, resulting in reliability.

  More Secure:

The digital voting application, with advanced encryption and blockchain technology, enables discouraging tampering or hacking in the recording, transmission, and storage of ballots. The fact that voters can be anonymous with the aid of digital voter identification and authentication bytes can be secured. This consequently boosts the security of elections because it makes them self-sustaining against interference.

 Environmental benefits:

Internet and digital voting eliminates the need for printed ballots, which usually entail the launch of physical infrastructure for traditional elections. This sustainability principle may be promoted as the cleaner option, thus providing the answer to green ideas.

 Potential risks and limitations


However, digital voting also comes with an array of potential downsides and limitations.

 Technological vulnerabilities:

The existence of security measures does not guarantee the flawlessness of digital systems, as those systems may still be susceptible to cyber-attacks, hacking, malware, and technical problems in data-keeping. The party that persists in a power blackout during elections will not have it easy, as there can be data breaches that can mar the elections. Paper ballots ensure they are safe from hacking and other man-made errors, which are common with digital ballots.

 Accessibility problems:

Besides being an internet-based system, that ensures wide accessibility, it has a counterpart, which is universal connectivity, which is not the case. Electronic voting devices might suffer from the usability eminence necessary for some handicapped citizens. Digital divides can restrict access to technological opportunities for those groups of people.

Digital Voting
Digital Voting

 Transparency and trust deficits:

As digital systems are the ones that determine vote counts, they are not as transparent as hand-marked paper ballots. It leads to less transparency and allows public trust to be eroded, particularly in those controversies that arise. Date: 11 April 2023

 Scalability issues:

Digital voting machines should be increased to take care of matters in elections that have very large numbers of voters on election day. The Internet network might undergo gridlock due to the low volume of traffic. Technically, not being able to cope after people have overloaded the system could ban the voters.

 Manipulation vulnerability:

Without credible safeguards, virtual villains could tweak the code and algorithms in voting machines and wind up subduing the elections. Compared to paper Berns the road, digital systems may make it more difficult to recognize misdemeanors.

 Cost Burdens:

It is expensive to develop a secure digital voting system, especially if the government wants to hire cybersecurity experts to guard the platform. Inadequately maintained traditional election infrastructure can make the cost of replacing it an unaffordable option. Line item funding might hinder success.

Thus, from the above highlights, it can be seen that unlike digital voting, which has many notable benefits, there are several cybersecurity, reliability, accessibility, and other risks that need to be handled for the system to become a convenient electoral channel.


The digital voting system truly has a chance to catalyze election efficiency, accessibility, and accuracy. On the one hand, it holds promise to resolve those challenges faced by implementing the technology, but at the same time, it raises serious ethical dilemmas. To ensure that the concept of digital currencies is not only safe but also considered acceptable by the majority of the population, the implementation of considerable infrastructure upgrades, transparency safeguards, and accessibility measures is very important.

A hopeful and gradual degrading process that will allow for paper ballot options as well may be the most near-term strategy. Through the advent of electronic voting, several assistance features are available to the voters, yet its widespread use and efficacy are unlike at this point. Risk management in voting systems can be improved through comprehensive risk mitigation and electoral reform to make digital voting a feature of the elections in the coming era of technology. Nevertheless, the paper ballot will be the pipeline of the multiparty system at least until highly practicable alternatives that badly ensure wide accessibility and completeness are uncovered.

Digital Voting
Digital Voting


 To begin, what are the main types of digital voting systems?

A three-type list is internet voting, electronic voting machines, and optical scan paper ballot systems, resulting in the differing methods of voting, which can also be electronic, paper, or a combination of both. The online voting system is the compass for the online ballot cast. Electronic machines are the ones that employ tactile screens and interfaces during elections. Digital counting is done by optical scanning systems utilizing ballots made of paper.

 Among the principal questions, maybe, are: What are the benefits of digital voting for society?

Advantages include the improvement of public participation through distant voting methods, the implementation of quicker but maybe more accurate methods, more trustworthy safety measures, reduced usage of paper, which is the main source of environmental pollution, and modernization of the electoral system infrastructure.



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